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Safety science

Journal Volume: 167
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2023
Articles in SafetyLit: 20

A fire danger index assessment method for short-term pre-warning of wildfires: a case study of Xiangxi, China

A machine vision-based method for crowd density estimation and evacuation simulation

A quantitative method to determine what collisions are reasonably foreseeable and preventable

A systematic review on workplace health and safety of ageing construction workers

Dangers of e-mobility: a systematic review and meta-analysis of sustained injury patterns and injury severity

Determining essential criteria for selection of risk assessment techniques in occupational health and safety: a hybrid framework of fuzzy Delphi method

Digital technology enhanced situation awareness for construction safety: systematic review and future research directions

Factors influencing construction workers' intention to transfer occupational health and safety training

Geometric interpretation of risk and prevention, by implementation of the "Level of Preventive Action" risk assessment method

Investigation and analysis of the safety risk factors of aging construction workers

Machine learning framework for Hazard Extraction and Analysis of Trends (HEAT) in wildfire response

Measuring efficiency of safe work environment from the perspective of the decent work agenda

Modeling spatial patterns in a moving crowd of people using data-driven approach--a concept of Interplay Floor Field

More reliance, more injuries: income dependence, workload and work injury of online food-delivery platform riders

Optimising egress location in school buildings using mathematical modelling and agent-based simulation

Predicting urban rail transit safety via artificial neural networks

Research on risk, safety, and reliability of autonomous ships: a bibliometric review

Risk mitigation strategies for automated current and future mine hoists

Safety performance functions for two-lane urban arterial segments

The risks of using ChatGPT to obtain common safety-related information and advice